Thursday, July 31, 2008


The Maori community in New Zealand wrote and produced a film for the local Maori community. The film, Whalerider, has become a world wide phenomenon. The male lead is Wahiri, who has become a friend to us in Pago. He is one of the nicest, most open and enjoyable people you can ever meet. Here is his picture, sitting around with us in the Aiga Tautai o Samoa. The thin man in white pants behind him is our sponsor from Germany, Dieter. The Caucasian in ie fataga (wrap around dress) is from Samoa. The other guys are from Roratonga, Cook Islands. Real people. What a privilege it is for me to know these gentlemen on a social basis. These are real and genuine people who have succeeded on the world stage. They are intent on giving back to the world in an effective way.

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