Sunday, July 27, 2008


We welcomed the crew from the voyaging canoe from the Cook Islands to Samoa with open hearts. We brought them goodies, and expected nothing in return. We didn't even know if they would accept our gifts at the time. We felt a good contact.

This act put our group from the Pago Pago Yacht Club in touch with their sponsor. He had flown to Pago from Germany to meet them here. After all, their voyage was a worthy display of Polynesian seamanship. The sponsor arrived with the star of the movie "Whalerider" in the process of filming a sequel. Multiple meetings later, we now have sponshorship to build a 72 ft. voyaging canoe (catamaran is a European term). We will have one canoe based here, and there will be one on at least 5 different major islands in the Pacific. One use will be to train teenagers from our club in the ancient ways of sailing and navigating. Another use will be to help the public understand the natural ecological systems in the Pacific.

We planted a mustard seed and grew a mustard tree, overnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dad! The pictures are beautiful. You look happy and in good company. Things are going well in Lafayette. Looks like things are not slowing down in Samoa. Enjoy the festival.