Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A balmy night in paradise.

Yesterday was one great day. The night before, I rescued two native Frenchmen hithch hiking in the dark. Turns out they are journalists who work for a TV station in New Caledonia, a French colony in the Pacific. I am a translater for the Pacific Arts Festival as well. So, we travelled around all day and all night eating exotic food and visiting with even more exotic people.

We met with real aborigines from Australia, real Melanesians from New Guinea, real Micronesians and Polynesians from islands great and small. From tiny Pitcairn Island or Norfolk Island to giant Australia or New Zealand almost everyone was represented. Real people doing their real dances, carrying the weapons they made themselves under the stars with the trade winds blowing beats reading about Anthropology in a text. Poor old Margaret Meade has nothing on me now.

Speaking French and English will cover most places, except Rapa Nui (Easter Island) which requires Spanish. However, the leader of the Rapa Nui group is married to a French woman, and his French was much better than mine.

I promise to post pictures of this wild gathering as soon as possible.

However, we are still making news. We hope to climb a mountain to film where the first Missionaries, French priests, were killed and eaten about 150 years ago. This takes a lot of negotiation and permission from land owners, but, I am working on it.

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