Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Real people living in real communities

The Samoans have a tradition of building long row boats after the style of the whaling boats that visited here two centuries ago. Each community builds, equips, and mans the boats. Some communities man two boats. The young men follow a strict and harsh training regimen. Yes, for you soft hearted out there, there is some physical hazing of the weak. They arise for training at 4:00 AM. They train also after work for several months in anticipation of the race on the open ocean. The rowers are so powerful that their strokes in unison move the boat vertically several inches and horizontally many feet. The boats seem to leap ahead like striding horses. The young men do this for love of family, to engage in competition, and out of respect for their Chiefs. They do not get paid. These are values and traditions I admire. Check it out...

Life is not perfect in Samoa. But, love of family has been perfected by the Samoans. The next time you see a Samoan playing football on TV remember he is not the exception. He may have brothers and cousins who are more powerful and more athletic than he is. The boys you don't see may have been working to support their families and just did not have time to play football in High School. They may be in their village playing Rugby with the adults. Think about the Samoans when you are shopping at your local Mall watching bored and distracted American teens soaking up a supersize hamburger and fries. There are real people living in real communities like this in the world. I know, I live with them.

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