Monday, April 21, 2008

Speaking to the cloud

Tonight I am entering my thoughts on the Internet in hopes of informing someone about Pago Pago, American Samoa. The people treat me well. Although many of the men are huge, they are not intimidating. The men are almost universally respectful, perhaps even formal, in their manner of address. There is a sense of place here, as distinct as Low Country South Carolina, or small town South Louisiana. The pace of transactions is slower than some places in the US, but, polite and courteous. No clerk or sales person has been rude to me in the last 6 months. Everyone just takes the time to chat, almost always in Samoan. The language is everywhere, alive and effective in communication. This is unlike the Hawaiian language which has a limited vocabulary. Yet, almost everyone can readily switch to American English in an instant.

Signing off to the cloud.

Pago Doc

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