Thursday, April 24, 2008

Point taken ! and "The Cloud" explained

By telephone I was told that my blog was too philosophical and plodding. Supposedly, the blog is not like me at all. So I actively solicit your response to my writing.

In my defense, I write this blog after work hours. I must be tired after hearing of real trauma from real war heroes every day. Writing it all down seems to help. I cannot help but think in metaphor. Seeing the hidden meaning in things is my profession. For example, the cloud refers to the Internet, this mysterious, amorphous world in which this weB LOG is written. If you are reading this, you are in the cloud!

In the future I will strive for more balance. Actually, life can be fun in Samoa. I have found a restaurant owned by a Korean couple. Mr. Kim is a diminuitive man who sailed on tuna boats for 14 years. He seems to know everything about tuna. He is teaching me: Course #101 The Anatomy of the Tuna in Korean. He shows me all the parts of the tuna, names them in Korean and we then eat it raw, sashimi style! I am not sure how this education will ever be applied in the real world.

Mr. Kim has employed a gourmet chef from China who speaks no English, and Mr. Kim does not speak Chinese. All communication is by gesture. I am eating my way through the Orient. OK...You tell me how you would tell the chef that you want a soup appetizer accompanied by fried cuttlefish using only your hands.

But, try as I might, I cannot break free from finding a life lesson here...Enjoy what the Chef* sends to your table, but, work on improving your gestures for tomorrow's meal.

*(This is your last hint__Think the Big Chef in the sky, and praying with the hands.)



Don said...

Chris, just forwarded you blog to one of your former employees Karen Bray. We've known each other for years and our kids and grandkids are all best friends.

I see your shingle is still up on Bluebonnet but sounds like you may be there for a while.

Best of luck
Don Ghere THS 66

pete said...

Doc, I think your writing style is just fine, don't change a thing. Talk about whatever you want; however you want. You'll always have at least one reader that gets it. Just hope they become more frequent.
By the way, I am sure you know this but if you want to translate from english to chinese and back, google it.

Unknown said...

Dr. C,
I think your writing style is fine, too. Reminds me of some of the stories you used to tell, & I learned a lot.