Sunday, March 9, 2008


My life started over in 2007 at age 59. American Samoa has been my home since October 2007. I have a renewed Spirituality. Holy Family Cathedral (Fatuoaiga in Samoan) is an open air Roman Catholic Cathedral with a unique social structure. Several different congregations share the facility. Each congregation has some degree of separation. Each group, for example, has their own choir. Separate services may be held in the native language by a Priest or the Bishop in the language of the community. Yet, some services have all of the communities represented. Christmas services had three distinct choirs, with different instrumentalists and Directors. One community represents the Spirituality of the native Samoans. Another community represents the Tongan and other Pacific Islanders. We have a large and vibrant transplanted Filipino community. The assorted European/Americans/Asians are referred to as the International Community. Everyone sings. There are more people here with real musical talent than anywhere I have ever lived.

Living here has allowed me to be restored to health. I play golf several times per week. I keep a small day sailer at the Pago Pago Yacht Club. This is a pretentious name for a half century old former US Navy wooden building with leaky roof. We do have a nice spot on the harbor and an open air bar. Our youth sailing program is well established. The Club is experiencing a renewed interest in adult sailing. We will soon be racing Hobie Cats in the harbor when the Trade Winds arrive this month. This is a good place to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Work with the veterans has been rewarding. I have been given the opportunity to study Prolonged Exposure Therapy developed by Edna Foa, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Hembree, Ph.D. My work has been generously supported by the staff of the Veterans Administration in Honolulu and in Pago Pago. The entire population here supports the troops in the war effort. There my be some disagreement with certain policies, but, the people support the Flag. Patriotism and family values are the norm here in American Samoa.


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