Monday, March 10, 2008

One way to recognize the solitude of my position is to note that I am the only one who has responded to my blog.

My life had been too complicated. I was working too hard to keep up with demands. Now I have a more reasonable lifestyle. My life is becoming more active.

Perhaps I have recruited two new members for the Yacht Club. We are planning an equipment check and a sail on Saturday.

A good friend has contacted me about St. Parick's Day on Monday. This may be something to consider.



Alex Cenac said...

Pago Doc:

You can only have comments to a blog when others know that it exists and that there is something there to comment on. Kind of like a tree falling in the only makes a sound if someone is there to hear it fall.

I don't know if my comments will cheer you up, but I think this will be another effective way to communicate. Make sure you start adding pictures of the Church, Yacht Club and Open Air Bar.

Most Prized Offspring of Pago Doc

Unknown said...

Pago Doc:
Sounds like a fun life out there. I am glad to hear you are enjoying a relaxing lifestyle. Please post some photos on your blog. I would love to see you in your Pago Pago skirt!!! Heloise and Margaux are getting so big! Margaux will be 1 on April 10. She is still the most pleasant and wonderful little baby to be around. God sent us a blessing! Heloise is still as bossy as ever - yes, she is bossier than me and Alex put together! We are getting a dose of our own medicine. She is a smart little thing and keeps us on our toes. We all miss you and hope to see some photos soon!
Your Most Prized Offspring's Beautiful Smart Wife

Unknown said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. I bet it is nice to spend some time outdoors, doing things you like to do. This should be nice way to keep in touch. We need to talk some ball soon. I want your thoughts on a particular Quarterback's situation. Would love to see some pictures too.

Anyway, keep in touch. Can't wait to catch up on everything.


Pago Doc's fiery and argumentative son-in-law.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I like the blog. I agree that it will be a great way to stay connected. I also agree that you need pictures. Speaking of pictures, did you get the pictures of William?

You need to let everyone know about it. You'd be surprised at how many people ask about you and ask for your contact information on a daily basis.

William is doing well. The women at day care love him! They all agree that his is content with his life. We are going to see Dr. Baumbouree for his 2 month check-up on Thursday. I'll let you know how that goes.

(some people don't need to advertise how awesome they are!)

Pago Doc said...

I will try to get a picture of my nice fish and my wrap around skirt. i wear a skirt everyday. Actually, this works fine here.

There is little time to take pictures as I am without secretary. I so most of my housework, and all of my office work.

Today I am planning a trip to Oakland, CA to get a Certificate in Biofeedback. This will be a nice addition to the work that I am doing in Pago.......

Pago Doc

Anonymous said...

how long will you be in california?

Anonymous said...

Let us know how your sailing trip goes Saturday...if you have pics add them to your blog.

Mandy Kay said...

Hello Pago Doc!
Skirts are all the fashion in Scotland, as well. Perhaps a blog post comparing and contrasting the lifestyles of the two regions is in order...
PS: the unpublished psychiatrist is out, and the accounting professor is in...

Pago Doc said...

Pago Doc is blogging from Baton Rouge, LA. I have been here on a professional forensic basis. Life is bysy in Baton Rouge, I recognized why I first fell in love with "River City". There is real history in the old quarter downtown, unlike any place else.

If you want to see the greatest of all college football stadiums, Tiger Stadium, you have to be in Baton Rouge. Where else will you find a live Bengal Tiger? This is where traditions have been carried on for generations by the alumni and by the alumni by choice.

Give me a blog comment...

Anonymous said...

I agree that Baton Rouge is a great place to live and to visit.
However, if you drive West on I-10 you can see a live tiger at a truck stop in Grosse Tete. How a truck stop has been able to get that by PETA for so long is beyond me!

Pago Doc said...

I am blogging from Oakland, CA. There is a nice course on Biofeedback. The Professor has given a history of Biofeedback, but, the history that he knew was not of the founders. He spoke of their students.

I am as old as some of the founders! I have had close personal relationships with people of whom he has only passing knowledge.

I called Kara...Hope to see Charlie.

Anonymous said...

Tell Charlie and Kara we said Hello!