Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Working in Honolulu

Wonderful place to visit, live and/or work. We had a superb evening with Psychiatrist from the
VA. We were on the deck overloking the moonlit Pacific. The colors were a full pallette of shades of silver, shimmering and gently moving. This is Paradise Prime.



Unknown said...

You go, Lou. If we can't be there to take in the Paradise Prime at least we can enjoy it vicariously. BC in BR

Pago Doc said...

Dear Bill;
Perhaps I never said this to you directly, but you had the courage to pick up the pieces from Shreveport and do CD in BR. You also had the intelligence and the courae to do an MSW at Tulane when it would have been easier to stay at home. I admired that then and I admire that in you now.

I have not really found paradise. The people do treat me well. I have found meaning here. I am healthier. I play golf 4 out of 7 days. I do miss my old buddies...and that means you!


Unknown said...

Sounds wonderful. My dad was raised on the big island and has family there. Always wanted to spend time there, but the closest I got was a short layover in 1977. Some day...
Any chance you'll get to go there after Pago?